Dental gold

Dental gold recovered from deceased prisoners was delivered to the main office of the SS sanitary service, which in turn would distribute it to dental clinics where SS men and their families went for treatment. By the beginning of October 1942, the office had 50 kg of bullion in its possession, enough to cover the needs of the SS dental service for five years.

An unknown quantity of this bullion and other dental metals was shipped from Auschwitz. Partially extant reports from the camp dentist’s office indicate that 16,325 teeth made of gold or precious metal alloys were extracted from the mouths of 2,904 deceased prisoners in the second half of 1942. The decided majority of this metal, however, was recovered from the bodies of Jews murdered in the gas chambers. According to estimates by members of the camp resistance movement, the SS authorities obtained from 10 to 12 kg of gold per month from the victims’ teeth.

(Mini dictionary of terms from the history of Auschwitz)