Due to the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz in January 2015, visitors may encounter certain difficulties during their tour at the Memorial Site:
• the Death Gate in Birkenau will not be available for visitors
• entrance to Birkenau will be possible only through the gate of the BIa sector (women's camp)
• visit route in Birkenau will be changed. Part of the unloading ramp and BIIa secrtor (quarantine camp) will not be accessible for visitors (see map) • The access roads to Birkenau will change (see map). Individual visitors will be able to use a free shuttle bus driving between Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau. The parking at the former Birkenau camp will be closed for cars.
• The buses will usa a designated way from Auschwitz to Birkenau and they will com back to the parking at the former Auschwitz I camp and wait until the group finish the visit
• On January 26 and 27 the site of Birkenau will not be accessible for visitors. If you plan the visit the Memorial, we suggest choosing a different time.
• On January 26 and 27 visiting the Museum will be possible only with a guide-educator and visitors will be not allowed to carry any luggage while touring. The luggage deposit will be closed. Visitors of the Memorial Site will go through a security check.